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Travel Time Matrix API
Isochrone API
Distance Map API
Routes API
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Time Map Simple (Isochrones)


This tool creates isochrones, also known as travel time polygons or catchment areas. It visualises all the locations that are reachable within a time limit based on selected parameters including transport mode & departure/arrival time.

Only the key parameter fields are configurable. The more complex parameter fields (available in the Advanced tool) take standard, sensible values.


ParameterDescriptionData Type
LocationsThe point layer to be used as the departure / arrival locationsPicklist
Travel ModeMethod of transportPicklist
Time ZoneTime zonePicklist
Departing / ArrivingWhether the calculated area will be for journeys departing or arriving at the chosen locationsPicklist
Departing / Arriving TimeThe departure or arrival time. This will get updated as per the time zone selected.Calendar Format - dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm
Travel timeThe maximum journey time (in minutes)Text
Result aggregation1. NORMAL - returns a reachable polygon for each location
2. UNION - returns the union of the reachable polygons
3. INTERSECTION - returns the intersection of the reachable polygons
Output LayerWhere to save the output layer – NB must be saved into the project GeodatabaseFolder connection