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Quick Route

Quick Route


This tool calculates and plots the fastest route between two points, by the chosen method of transport. It returns complete multi-modal turn-by-turn directions.

Using the tool

Select the tool by clicking on it, then open the dialogue box under the dropdown arrow. Fill in the parameters, then either:

  1. Enter the addresses of the origin and destination, and click Run
  2. Enter the lat-long coordinates of the origin and destination, and click Run
  3. Click on the map canvas once to set the origin, and then again to set the destination

A new layer will be added to the project with the time. This layer is a temporary layer. If you need to save it, right click on it in the legend, and choose Make permanent.


ParameterDescriptionData Type
Transport ModeMethod of transportPicklist
Time ZoneTime zonePicklist
Departure / Arrival SearchesWhether the chosen time is a departure or arrival timePicklist
Departure / Arrival TimeThe departure or arrival time. This will get updated as per the time zone selected.Calendar Format - dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm
Destination (Address)Text address of the arrival locationText
Origin (Lat-Long)Coordinates of the departure locationText
Destination (Lat-Long)Coordinates of the arrival locationText