This macro can be used to:
- Convert addresses (e.g postcodes) into lat-long coordinates (
) - Convert lat-long coordinates into street addresses (
Results can be narrowed down to a specified country, or multiple matches can be returned if desirable.
This macro runs off a single input data file.
When running the Standard
tool, the input data must include a field specifying the address.
When running the Reverse
tool, the input data must include two fields - one specifying the latitude and one specifying the longitude.
Application ID
and Application Key
must be filled in with your API key details.
If you don’t already have an API key, you can get a trial key here.
- Standard - select the field in the input data specifying the address to be geocoded
- Reverse - select the fields in the input data specifying the latitude and longitude of the points to be reverse geocoded
Specify focus country
- Specify Country from List - limit the returned results to only those in a specific country (useful when using addresses with an ambiguous country such as “Station Road, Newcastle”)
- Specify Country using Field - use a field in the input data to limit the returned results to only those in a specific country
Top N Matches
- Limit the results to just the best match(es)
- When set as 0, the macro will return all possible matches
Include Feature Information
- When selected, this will include the following fields in the output, regarding the data available in the TravelTime for this address:
- Public transport fare availability
- Public transport data availability
- Date window for which the public transport data is valid
This macro returns 2 outputs:
output - rows that have been successfully geocodedF
output - rows that have not been successfully geocoded, along with the HTTP status, error code, description of the error, and link to where the error codes are documented
For successful results, the macro will append a number of fields onto the end of the input data:
- Score - the result confidence score (maximum value of 1)
- Longitude / Latitude - the calculated coordinate values when using the Standard method
- Centroid – the locations as point features for displaying on a map
- Address Label, Address Name, Street, etc. - the calculated address details
Documentation for the API endpoints used by this macro can be found here: