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TravelTime API
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TravelTime API
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TravelTime API
Travel Time Matrix API
Travel Time Matrix API
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TravelTime API
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Travel Time Matrix APIanchor icon

Overviewanchor icon

API functionality

The Travel Time Matrix API calculates travel times and distances between multiple locations.

Built for high performance needs, a single request can process 100,000 locations in a few hundred milliseconds.

The API supports a range of transport modes including Driving, Public Transport, Walking, and Cycling.

Use cases

Typical use cases for a Travel Time Matrix include:

  • Adding travel times to a search application (e.g property portals, job boards, hotel booking sites) to improve relevancy of results and user experience
  • Route optimisation to increase scheduling efficiency
  • Last mile logistics to optimise deliveries
  • Ad serving to drive up CTRs
Choosing an Endpoint

The Travel Time Matrix API is accessible through 3 different endpoints. When choosing which endpoint is most suitable for your use case, the main criteria to consider are configurability of the request parameters vs scale and performance.

Endpoint NameTravel Time MatrixTravel Time Matrix FastTravel Time Matrix Fast (Protobuf)
FormatJSONJSONProtocol Buffers
Maximum Matrix Size10 x 2,00010 x 100,0001 x 200,000
Maximum Travel Time4 hours3 hours2 hours
ConfigurabilityExtensive parametersJust transport modeJust transport mode

A full breakdown of the differences between the different Travel Time Matrix endpoints can be found here.

For the simplest way to get up and running, we'd recommend starting with the Travel Time Matrix Fast endpoint.

API access
Endpoint NameTravel Time MatrixTravel Time Matrix FastTravel Time Matrix Fast (Protobuf)
Access URL

If you already have a TravelTime account then log in to retrieve your access credentials. If you don't have an account, you can sign up for free here.

To authenticate with the Protobuf endpoint, please request access at

Getting Startedanchor icon

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Quick start guide

A short step-by-step guide to making your first request to the Travel Time Matrix API.

Supported SDKsanchor icon

The Travel Time Matrix API is accessible through any of our supported TravelTime SDKs:

The Travel Time Matrix Fast (Protobuf) endpoint is also accessible through two supported database plugins:

Usage limitsanchor icon

The following usage limits apply to the Travel Time Matrix API:

Matrix Size

The maximum matrix size that can be included in a single request differs by endpoint:

Endpoint NameTravel Time MatrixTravel Time Matrix FastTravel Time Matrix Fast (Protobuf)
Matrix Size10 x 2,00010 x 100,0001 x 200,000
Travel Time

The maximum travel time support is different for each endpoint. Any origin-destination pairs outside of this limit will be returned as Unreachable.

Endpoint NameTravel Time MatrixTravel Time Matrix FastTravel Time Matrix Fast (Protobuf)
Travel Time (hours)432

Other TravelTime APIsanchor icon