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TravelTime API
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Database Plugins
TravelTime API
TravelTime API
Isochrone API
Distance Map API
TravelTime API
Travel Time Matrix API
Travel Time Matrix API
Protocol Buffers
TravelTime API
Routes API
Geocoding API
Additional API Reference
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TravelTime API
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Alteryx plugin

Solr Pluginanchor icon

Travel Time Matrix API can be used on Solr using our plugin. Plugin supports the fastest version of Travel Time Matrix endpoint which uses Protocol Buffers for communication. You can find more details about available versions on our endpoint comparison page.

Authenticationanchor icon

For access to the Protobuf endpoint, please contact for credentials. Having a TravelTime Account is not enough, not having correct access will produce an authorization error.

Sourceanchor icon

The source code and JAR file of the plugin is available on GitHub.

Supported versionsanchor icon

6.5, 6.6, 7.X, 8.X. Support for 9.X is currently work in progress, please contact us if you need this version Plugin is not supported for versions 6.4 or lower.

Installation and configurationanchor icon

To install the plugin you must place the plugin JAR file in the Solr lib directory.

To use the plugin you must add to your configuration a queryParser with the class com.traveltime.plugin.solr.TraveltimeQParserPlugin.

This query parser has two mandatory string configuration options:

  • app_id: this is your API app id.
  • api_key: this is your API key that corresponds to the app id.

<queryParser name="traveltime" class="com.traveltime.plugin.solr.TraveltimeQParserPlugin">
  <str name="app_id">your_app_id_here</str>
  <str name="api_key">your_app_key_here</str>

To display the travel times returned by the TravelTime API you must configure two more components: a valueSourceParser:

<valueSourceParser name="traveltime" class="com.traveltime.plugin.solr.query.TravelTimeValueSourceParser"/>

and a cache:

<cache name="traveltime" class="com.traveltime.plugin.solr.cache.ExactRequestCache"/>


<cache name="traveltime" class="com.traveltime.plugin.solr.cache.FuzzyRequestCache" secondary_size="50000"/>

Querying dataanchor icon

The query to TravelTime API can only be used as a filter query and can only be used with fields that are indexed as location.

The query accepts the following (mandatory) configuration options:

  • origin: the point from which travel time will be measured. The accepted formats are: "lat,lon" and geohash
  • field`: the document field that will be used as the destination in the Traveltime query.
  • limit: the travel time limit in seconds. Must be non-negative.
  • mode: Transportation mode used in the search. One of: pt, walking+ferry, cycling+ferry, driving+ferry.
  • country: Alpha-2 country code that the origin is in. Must be set either in the query or as a default in the config. Information about supported countries on protobuf endpoint.

The configuration options may be passed as local query parameters:

?fq={!traveltime origin=51.53,-0.15 field=coords limit=7200 mode=pt country=uk}

or as raw query parameters prefixed with "traveltime_":


If a parameter is specified in both ways, the local parameter takes precedence.

Query example{!traveltime origin=51.53,-0.15 field=coords limit=7200 mode=pt country=uk}

Displaying travel timesanchor icon

To display the travel times you must configure the valueSourceParser and cache. When configured, the time can be accessed using the fl parameter: ?fl=time:traveltime(). The valueSourceParser accepts the same parameters as a query, but only in the raw query parameter form. If no travel time is found in the cache it will be returned as -1.

Request cachesanchor icon

Request caches can be used to enable the valueSourceParser and to reduce request latency for some workloads.

The plugin provides two request cache implementations: ExactRequestCache and FuzzyRequestCache.

  • ExactRequestCache uses all of the traveltime query parameters as a cache key. Therefore, changing any of the parameters will result in a cache miss. This is recommended if the cache is only needed to display the times in search results, or if the query parameters are mostly static.
  • FuzzyRequestCache uses only the origin and mode fields as cache keys. This cache is useful for workloads where the set of possible origin parameters is limited since it will limit the amount of API calls needed to fetch data from TravelTime. The secondary_size controls the size of each per-origin traveltime cache. It should be set to at least the number of documents returned by each query.