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Developer Tools
Travel Time Matrix API
Isochrone API
Distance Map API
Routes API
Geocoding API
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Error Handling
ArcGIS plugin
QGIS plugin
Alteryx plugin


Visualise where's reachable within a travel time catchment area.

Access URL:

Supports two HTTP request types:

  • GET - for simple requests using basic parameters only
  • POST - for more complex requests using advanced parameters

POST Request

A POST request should be used for any of the following use cases:

  • Using advanced parameters not available in the GET request
  • Creating multiple isochrones with one request
  • Calculating the Union or Intersection of multiple isochrones

The access URL is the same as the GET request format, but the differences are:

  • Authentication is included in the request Headers
  • Parameters are included in the request Body

Request Body


Searches based on departure time. Leave departure location at no earlier than given time. You can define a maximum of 10 searches.

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Used to identify each search in the results array. Must be unique among all searches.

Coordinates of the departure location.

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date in extended ISO-8601 format

Leave departure location at no earlier than given time. In ISO 8601 format. For example:
2025-02-07T08:00:00Z (representing UTC)
2025-02-07T08:00:00-05:00 (representing New York on Standard Time: UTC-05:00)

Maximum journey time (in seconds).
Maximum value is 14400 (4 hours) as standard. To discuss increasing this, please contact

Transportation mode and related parameters. type is a mandatory field, but all other fields are optional and default values are used if not specified.

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cycling, driving, driving+train (only in Great Britain), driving+public_transport (only in Great Britain), public_transport, walking, coach, bus, train, ferry, driving+ferry, cycling+ferry or cycling+public_transport (only in Netherlands).

Note - a driving+train search is for driving then train (i.e driving to a station and continuing by train). Similarly, driving+public_transport search is for driving then taking any kind of public transportation.driving+public_transport is not supported on postcode endpoints. The maximum drive time can be configured using the driving_time_to_station parameter

Additional road types to included when executing search. Only affects driving and driving+ferry transportation modes. Possible values:

  • track - unpaved roads that only allow very slow driving speed or even require an off-road capable vehicle.
  • restricted - roads that are not publicly accessible and may require a special permit. By default all of these roads are excluded from the search.

Maximum time (in seconds) allowed for walking at the start and end of a public transport journey. i.e:

  • the maximum walking time from the origin to the first stop/station, and
  • the maximum walking time from the final stop/station to the destination

These limits are independent and not cumulative. They only apply to the first and last walking legs of the journey - all walking times between public transport legs are limited to 600s (10 minutes) each.

The default value is 900.

Cannot be higher than travel_time.

Used in public_transport, coach, bus, train, driving+train, driving+public_transport and cycling+public_transport transportation modes.

Time in seconds needed to board public transportation vehicle.
Default is 0.
Cannot be higher than travel_time.
Used in public_transport, coach, bus, train, driving+train, driving+public_transport and cycling+public_transport transportation modes.

Maximum time (in seconds) allowed for driving from the origin to the train station.
Default value is 1800.
Cannot be higher than travel_time.
Used only in driving+train and driving+public_transport transportation mode.

Maximum time (in seconds) allowed for cycling (including any ferry transfers) from the origin to the first stop/station.
Default value is 900.
Cannot be higher than travel_time.
Used only in cycling+public_transport transportation mode.

Time in seconds required to park a car or a bicycle.
Default value is 300.
Cannot be higher than travel_time.
Used in driving+train, driving+public_transport and cycling+public_transport transportation modes.

Time in seconds required to board a ferry.
Default value is 0.
Cannot be higher than travel_time.
Used in ferry, driving+ferry, driving+public_transport, cycling+ferry and cycling+public_transport transportation modes. For public_transport mode, pt_change_delay is used instead.

If set to true, the crossing of country borders is disabled. Only available with the driving transportation mode, and is enabled by default (false).

Upper limit for the number of changes between public transit legs in a journey.
Used in public_transport, coach, bus, train, driving+train, driving+public_transport and cycling+public_transport transportation modes. For other modes the max_changes parameter is ignored.

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Enable transit leg change limit?

Maximum number of changes between transit legs in a journey. Must be at least 0.

object | optional

When enabled, range adds a departure window to the departure time, and a combined shape of all possible journeys departing within the window is returned.
Disabled by default.
Used in public_transport, coach, bus, train and driving+train transportation modes. For other modes range search parameters are ignored.

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Enable range search?

The width of the range window (in seconds).
The window is applied 'forwards' from the departure time. For example, with a departure_time of 9am and a range width of 1 hour, all journeys departing between 9am and 10am will be included.
Maximum value is 43200 (12 hours).

array[string] | optional

Properties to be returned about the shapes.
Possible values: is_only_walking.
When selected, the is_only_walking parameter will return a value of True if a journey only involves walking (e.g for a public transport search in an area with no public transport available).

Specifies level of detail of returned shape.

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  • simple - level of detail is specified using a simple enumeration.
  • simple_numeric - level of detail is specified using integer numbers. This scale is an extension of simple scale.
  • coarse_grid - level of detail is specified as a number, used to simplify the generated shape to a set grid density.

Exact availability depends on the licence plan.

string | integer | optional

Can either be a string or an integer depending on scale_type used.

  • Available options when using string: lowest, low, medium, high, highest. Used with simple scale type. Returned shape will be the least detailed with the lowest setting, and the most detailed with the highest setting.

  • Available options when using integer are between -20 and 2. Used with simple_numeric scale type. The lower the number, the less detailed the returned shape will be. Values from -2 to 2 are equivalent to the lowest to highest values of the simple scale type.

Used with the coarse_grid scale type.
Specifies the side length (in metres) of the squares used to construct the shape. The larger the value, the less detailed the returned shape will be.
Minimum value is 600.

Specifies polygon filter of a single shape.

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At most this amount of largest polygons will be returned in a single shape. Must be greater than 0.

boolean | optional

Enable to remove holes from returned polygons.
Note that this will likely result in loss in accuracy.

  • approximate_time_filter (default) - the shape matches time-filter results as much as possible
  • road_buffering - the shape looks as if traversed roads of the search have been painted over with a wide brush
  • true (default) - returned shape will not cover large nearby water bodies
  • false - returned shape may cover nearby water bodies like large lakes, wide rivers and seas

object | optional

Adjusts the process of looking up the nearest roads from the departure / arrival points.

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  • enabled (default) - walking time and distance from the departure location to the nearest road and from the nearest road to the arrival location are added to the total travel time and distance of a journey.
  • disabled - these walking times and distances are not added to the total reported values (i.e the journey effectively starts and ends at the nearest points on the road network).
  • both_drivable_and_walkable (default) - journey can only start or end on roads that are accessible by both: cars and pedestrians. This effectively means journeys can not start / end on motorways.
  • any_drivable - journey can start or end on any road accessible by a car (including motorways).


Searches based on arrival time. Arrive at destination location at no later than given time. You can define a maximum of 10 searches.

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Used to identify each search in the results array. Must be unique among all searches.

Coordinates of the arrival location.

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date in extended ISO-8601 format

Be at arrival location at no later than given time. In ISO 8601 format. For example:
2025-02-07T08:00:00Z (representing UTC)
2025-02-07T08:00:00-05:00 (representing New York on Standard Time: UTC-05:00)

Maximum journey time (in seconds).
Maximum value is 14400 (4 hours) as standard. To discuss increasing this, please contact

Transportation mode and related parameters. type is a mandatory field, but all other fields are optional and default values are used if not specified.

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cycling, driving, driving+train (only in Great Britain), driving+public_transport (only in Great Britain), public_transport, walking, coach, bus, train, ferry, driving+ferry, cycling+ferry or cycling+public_transport (only in Netherlands).

Note - a driving+train search is for driving then train (i.e driving to a station and continuing by train). Similarly, driving+public_transport search is for driving then taking any kind of public transportation.driving+public_transport is not supported on postcode endpoints. The maximum drive time can be configured using the driving_time_to_station parameter

Additional road types to included when executing search. Only affects driving and driving+ferry transportation modes. Possible values:

  • track - unpaved roads that only allow very slow driving speed or even require an off-road capable vehicle.
  • restricted - roads that are not publicly accessible and may require a special permit. By default all of these roads are excluded from the search.

Maximum time (in seconds) allowed for walking at the start and end of a public transport journey. i.e:

  • the maximum walking time from the origin to the first stop/station, and
  • the maximum walking time from the final stop/station to the destination

These limits are independent and not cumulative. They only apply to the first and last walking legs of the journey - all walking times between public transport legs are limited to 600s (10 minutes) each.

The default value is 900.

Cannot be higher than travel_time.

Used in public_transport, coach, bus, train, driving+train, driving+public_transport and cycling+public_transport transportation modes.

Time in seconds needed to board public transportation vehicle.
Default is 0.
Cannot be higher than travel_time.
Used in public_transport, coach, bus, train, driving+train, driving+public_transport and cycling+public_transport transportation modes.

Maximum time (in seconds) allowed for driving from the origin to the train station.
Default value is 1800.
Cannot be higher than travel_time.
Used only in driving+train and driving+public_transport transportation mode.

Maximum time (in seconds) allowed for cycling (including any ferry transfers) from the origin to the first stop/station.
Default value is 900.
Cannot be higher than travel_time.
Used only in cycling+public_transport transportation mode.

Time in seconds required to park a car or a bicycle.
Default value is 300.
Cannot be higher than travel_time.
Used in driving+train, driving+public_transport and cycling+public_transport transportation modes.

If set to true, the crossing of country borders is disabled. Only available with the driving transportation mode, and is enabled by default (false).

Time in seconds required to board a ferry.
Default value is 0.
Cannot be higher than travel_time.
Used in ferry, driving+ferry, driving+public_transport, cycling+ferry and cycling+public_transport transportation modes. For public_transport mode, pt_change_delay is used instead.

Upper limit for the number of changes between public transit legs in a journey.
Used in public_transport, coach, bus, train, driving+train, driving+public_transport and cycling+public_transport transportation modes. For other modes the max_changes parameter is ignored.

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Enable transit leg change limit?

Maximum number of changes between transit legs in a journey. Must be at least 0.

object | optional

When enabled, range adds an arrival window to the arrival time, and a combined shape of all possible journeys arriving within the window is returned.
Disabled by default.
Used in public_transport, coach, bus, train and driving+train transportation modes. For other modes range search parameters are ignored.

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Enable range search?

The width of the range window (in seconds).
The window is applied 'backwards' from the arrival time. For example, with an arrival_time of 9am and a range width of 1 hour, all journeys arriving between 8am and 9am will be included.
Maximum value is 43200 (12 hours).

array[string] | optional

Properties to be returned about the shapes.
Possible values: is_only_walking.
When selected, the is_only_walking parameter will return a value of True if a journey only involves walking (e.g for a public transport search in an area with no public transport available).

Specifies level of detail of returned shape.

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  • simple - level of detail is specified using a simple enumeration.
  • simple_numeric - level of detail is specified using integer numbers. This scale is an extension of simple scale.
  • coarse_grid - level of detail is specified as a number, used to simplify the generated shape to a set grid density.

Exact availability depends on the licence plan.

string | integer | optional

Can either be a string or an integer depending on scale_type used.

  • Available options when using string: lowest, low, medium, high, highest. Used with simple scale type. Returned shape will be the least detailed with the lowest setting, and the most detailed with the highest setting.

  • Available options when using integer are between -20 and 2. Used with simple_numeric scale type. The lower the number, the less detailed the returned shape will be. Values from -2 to 2 are equivalent to the lowest to highest values of the simple scale type.

Used with the coarse_grid scale type.
Specifies the side length (in metres) of the squares used to construct the shape. The larger the value, the less detailed the returned shape will be.
Minimum value is 600.

Specifies polygon filter of a single shape.

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At most this amount of largest polygons will be returned in a single shape. Must be greater than 0.

boolean | optional

Enable to remove holes from returned polygons.
Note that this will likely result in loss in accuracy.

string | optional

  • approximate_time_filter (default) - the shape matches time-filter results as much as possible
  • road_buffering - the shape looks as if traversed roads of the search have been painted over with a wide brush
  • true (default) - returned shape will not cover large nearby water bodies
  • false - returned shape may cover nearby water bodies like large lakes, wide rivers and seas

object | optional

Adjusts the process of looking up the nearest roads from the departure / arrival points.

Show child attributes
  • enabled (default) - walking time and distance from the departure location to the nearest road and from the nearest road to the arrival location are added to the total travel time and distance of a journey.
  • disabled - these walking times and distances are not added to the total reported values (i.e the journey effectively starts and ends at the nearest points on the road network).
  • both_drivable_and_walkable (default) - journey can only start or end on roads that are accessible by both: cars and pedestrians. This effectively means journeys can not start / end on motorways.
  • any_drivable - journey can start or end on any road accessible by a car (including motorways).


Define the unions of shapes that are the results of previously defined departure or arrival searches. You can define a maximum of 10 unions per request.

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Used to identify each search in the results array. Must be unique among all searches.


A list of the search ids referring to the shapes to be used for calculating the union.


Define the intersections of shapes that are the results of previously defined departure or arrival searches. You can define a maximum of 10 intersections per request.

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Used to identify each search in the results array. Must be unique among all searches.

A list of the search ids referring to the shapes to be used for calculating the intersection.

Response Body

We support multiple response formats, the format can be set using the Accept header. Supported formats:

  • application/json - This is the default if no format was specified.
  • application/vnd.wkt+json
  • application/vnd.wkt-no-holes+json
  • application/geo+json
  • application/
  • application/vnd.bounding-boxes+json - This format does not include holes

When output_format is application/json


The results array which is sorted lexicographically by the id attribute.

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Properties array. Only the properties included in the request are returned.

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Indicates if the returned shape contains only walking instead of a requested mode like bus, public_transport, etc.

When output_format is application/geo+json



Contains collection of features.

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Contains MultiPolygon.

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Coordinates of polygons.

Feature properties.

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When output_format is application/


The kml array containing objects of xml namespace and placemark.

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Contains name and MultiGeometry.

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Contains multiple polygons.

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Contains response coordinates.

When output_format is application/vnd.wkt+json or application/vnd.wkt-no-holes+json


The results array which is sorted lexicographically by the id attribute.

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A string containing the shape in Well-known text (WKT)

Properties array. Only the properties included in the request are returned.

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Indicates if the returned shape contains only walking instead of a requested mode like bus, public_transport, etc.

When output_format is application/vnd.bounding-boxes+json


The results array which is sorted lexicographically by the id attribute.

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Latitude of lower left point of the box.

Latitude of upper right point of the box.

Longitude of lower left point of the box.

Longitude of upper right point of the box.

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Latitude of lower left point of the box.

Latitude of upper right point of the box.

Longitude of lower left point of the box.

Longitude of upper right point of the box.

Properties array. Only the properties included in the request are returned.

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Indicates if the returned shape contains only walking instead of a requested mode like bus, public_transport, etc.




Response Body


Request With Unions and Intersections


Response Body


GET Request

A GET request is the simplest way to generate an isochrone. A single isochrone can be generated by specifying the query parameters in the URL.

Query parameters


Mode of transport used.
Available options: walking, public_transport, driving, cycling.

Maximum journey time (in seconds).
Maximum value is 14400 (4 hours).


Latitude of the search location.


Longitude of the search location.

date in extended ISO-8601 format | optional

If specified, this time will be used as the time of departure from the search location. One of departure_time or arrival_time must be specified.

date in extended ISO-8601 format | optional

If specified, this time will be used the time of arrival at the search location. One of arrival_time or departure_time must be specified.


Used for authenticating the request. Visit our developer portal to access your credentials or generate new ones.


Used for authenticating the request. Visit our developer portal to access your credentials or generate new ones.

Query response

Successful requests will return an HTTP 200 response.

Response schema - application/json


The results array which is sorted lexicographically by the id attribute.

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Properties array. Only the properties included in the request are returned.

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Indicates if the returned shape contains only walking instead of a requested mode like bus, public_transport, etc.


Example request

Please note that to send the GET request you will need to replace the YOUR_APP_ID and YOUR_APP_KEY values with your own credentials.

Example Request


Response body
