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TravelTime API
Developer Tools
Database Plugins
TravelTime API
TravelTime API
Isochrone API
Distance Map API
TravelTime API
Travel Time Matrix API
Travel Time Matrix API
Protocol Buffers
TravelTime API
Routes API
Geocoding API
Additional API Reference
Error Handling
TravelTime API
ArcGIS plugin
QGIS plugin
Alteryx plugin

Travel Time Matrix Protocol Buffers API Use Casesanchor icon

How does it work?anchor icon

The Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) Matrix API is built for calculating large travel time matrices with extremely low response times.

It takes as inputs a single origin location and multiple destination locations,and calculates the travel time to each destination for a chosen mode of transport.

Practical applicationsanchor icon

Typical Protobuf applications are those that involve large volumes of location data and have extremely high performance requirements.

Your users can select their desired search location as well as their preferred transport mode and maximum journey time.

Add a travel time search functionality to a consumer-facing site with potentially hundreds of thousands of listings. These listings could be properties, jobs, hotels, or anything else where its location matters for the search.

Such applications will typically already have some sort of location-based search, such as a straight line distance search or a bounding box.

Learn more about a customer implementation here.

Search results listing UX

Big data applicationsanchor icon

Make multiple requests to build large many-to-many travel times matrices. This could be the travel times from every postcode to every other postcode, for example.

These large scale matrices are typically used in data-intensive computations such as efficient route scheduling, or retail gravity modelling.

Multiple origins x multiple destinations